Raising half a million in grassroots donations

Helping out-raise a 13-year incumbent in an historically Republican district.
In the 2020 cycle Triptych was successful in leading a Congressional campaign to reimagine the relationship between organizing, content, and grassroots development, providing a digital strategy that yielded unprecedented fundraising results and better served the constituents in the community. 

We advised and supported our congressional client in aligning departmental strategies, improving collaboration and creating a cohesive vision that increased enthusiasm, efficiency, efficacy, and assets produced to raise more money than any Democratic congressional candidate in the district had in history.

We Capitalized

By maximizing results for an email list of approximately 14,000 active emails to raise more than $200,000 from email appeals alone by developing a customized email program that met supporters where they were, mobilized them to action, and raised critical funds.

We Innovated

By implementing a resource-conscious content pipeline and directed the production of an average of 2-3 pieces of video content per week that told the story of the campaign and candidate and amplified the experiences of district residents while remaining inviting, inclusive, and responsive.

In only 4 1/2 months, Triptych Strategies raised nearly $500,000 (43% of total raised online for the campaign). Helping outraise a 13-year incumbent in an historically Republican district.

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Increasing output for an inactive email program

Creating a strategic, intentional brand